They Breathe is a strange game that can not be categorized into any genre. You play as a frog that jumps into a body of water. Not sure if it is a pond or what. Your goal is to save as many drowning frogs as you can by pushing them into air bubbles until they regain enough to swim away to the surface. I use the word goal lightly as it doesn’t really matter if you save them or not. The two enemies is a cow like creature and a jellyfish which will consume you. If a jellyfish consumes a drowning frog it becomes much more powerful. You can defeat these enemies by either waiting until they run out of breath or guiding them into air bubbles. They get stronger and faster when they get a air bubble so it may be better to simply out maneuver them until they drown.

Environments are cool and spooky looking the deeper down you go. The game itself actually has a creepy vibe to it which suits it perfectly considering all the animals you will see drown. The moody music you will hear throughout is pretty great too. There isn’t really much to talk about this game as it is a very simple game and also about 20 minutes long. It’s not an expensive game by any means but that may turn some people off. Not much to do other than dodge enemies and collect bubbles to stay alive. That does lead to some pretty cool moments where you have to decide if your own life is more valuable than the random drowning frog next to you. Even if you die though you will respawn in the last check point which will be just right before an enemy encounter.
I don’t really see the point of dragging this review out. This is a good and interesting game with a very memorable ending. The short length of the game is both a blessing and a curse. On one hand it keeps the simple gameplay from getting stale but on the other hand it is a 20 minute game. I do think this is a game worth experiencing but do expect an artsy type of game instead of a gameplay focused one. It is certainly unique I’ll give it that and it’s visually appealing. Though there is no real reason to replay it once you finish so be sure of what you are getting when you purchase this. Recommended to those that want a very short but memorable experience.
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