The Tower of Succubus (R18+) Review

The Tower of Succubus is a top-down Dungeon Crawler inspired by old 8-Bit Zelda titles. It starts with our character sleeping until she is suddenly assaulted and has her powers stolen. Being a resident succubus herself, we don’t attempt to reach the top floor of this treacherous castle for any good deed. Our desire is to regain our strength. It will be a massive ascent of 77 levels, and everyone throughout will be our enemy. We are weakened yet hardly defenseless. Her magic still packs quite a punch to it. The catch is that our total mana is severely low and makes us unable to cast many spells. This is where the main mechanic comes into play. Thanks to our succubi nature, anything with a penis or phallic-like dangly bit can be sucked of all its energy. You are the alpha predator here and must seduce as much as kill your foes.

True to its NES-era inspirations, we only have two buttons to use. One is to cast your magic, while holding it charges the seduction blast. You’ll immediately notice a flaw there once you are playing. It always lets off a magic attack before charging, meaning you may accidentally slay your prey while wasting mana. The other button performs a physical attack. Considering we start with a mere kick, it will mainly be used to break vases around the level to not waste mana. However, once we get our hands on a weapon, it becomes more than viable for us to enter close range during combat. As much as I talked about preserving your magic, you can continue to cast even if your meter is empty. The only downside is they deal half damage but remains a heck of a lot more effective than melee early on.

Our primary objective is to find a way off each of the 77 floors. Killing enemies will be predominantly to gain experience or taking care of a potential future threat. The golden key which unlocks the room’s exit is what we’ll be striving for. These labyrinthine-like areas are small, but it’s rarely as simple as going over and picking up that key. Tower of Succubus will continually add new gameplay mechanics, such as pushing blocks, teleportation runes, and golems we can command to sprint in the direction it’s facing. It never becomes overly complex, though it will test your brainpower as much as your ability to fight. We are also under a 300-second timer on all levels. So while stages are bite-sized, it can get quite intense as you attempt to juggle all this tower throws at you.

By the time you’ve reached a dozen floors, you’ve likely already seen more sex than a Roman emperor. Her body probably contained more weight in seminal fluids than water mass by the time the credits rolled. As mentioned, sex is a central mechanic, and a great deal of fun to see what new kinks future enemies hold. The animations are short enough to never get old. We are also invulnerable throughout its duration, allowing us to safely survey our surrounding area. Many stages have hidden books that contain unique hentai CGs. You’ll find fifty in total and have short snippets of text to convey the story or help guide you. Once you have sex with an enemy, it will unlock a new CG that can only be viewed in the Gallery Mode. As you’ve undoubtedly gathered by now, Tower of Succubus has a massive amount of lewd content on offer. The best part is the variety. It is not just our character featured in these scenes. There are a decent number of other women that get the spotlight.

Don’t get too focused on the porn and forget to actually read the books. Some are just story fluff, while others give out valuable information. We receive tips like a certain level featuring a secret wall, and other things we’re unlikely to find without that helping hand. It definitely goes overboard with bosses, sadly. You’ll always get a book outside their arena that reveals the upcoming fight’s gimmick. I really wish they found a better way of informing us. It cheapens the entire event and ruins any sense of discovery that leads to our victory. With that being said, we should prepare for a challenging fight when facing a boss in this game. It will be unlike anything else we’ve encountered. Combat is nothing more than a slight speed bump until coming across one of these foes. Each is a ton of fun and has very distinct attack patterns. They are forgiving in the sense that death has no penalty, so we can try again until we finally slay them.

For the players still struggling, we have an ace up our sleeve. Do you see those heart icons at the bottom right of the screen? Holding both attack buttons will drain fifty of them and, in exchange, will refill our health and give us unlimited mana. It isn’t enough of an advantage to let us cheese the fight, but it will provide us a second chance when we are on our last leg. We can have up to 255 hearts simultaneously. This is five opportunities to restore our health. Since having sex with male monsters/humans also heals us, this will be something that we should only do during bosses. On that note, I find it strange how we can’t have intercourse with female adventurers found in the tower. I don’t know if that has something to do with real-world succubi lore, yet that puts women on the same plane as the undead. There is no reason to not kill them on sight. The male adventurers, on the other hand, I imagine left the tower with a bounce to their step.

Sometimes, you may find the key and the door to leave near where you start. This may be a red haring. Within the tower lies many valuable items that give us permanent stat increases. Finding a shield will reduce the damage we take, scrolls increase your magic damage, and giant hearts grant you more overall health. It is worthwhile to explore even with the potential exit in sight. What is unfortunate is how the game doesn’t tell you what anything does. I gained all that knowledge by looking up a guide and was curious to know if they even did anything. It didn’t mention what leveling up does, so I remain clueless despite completing the game a few hours ago. The included readme file could have been far more helpful had it possessed more information than what each of the two buttons does. None of this is anywhere near a significant flaw. It is just slightly frustrating to seek out things whose effect we’ll never know unless we look it up online.

While on the negatives, I should mention that there is no proper fullscreen mode. You will need a program like Lossless Scaling to simulate the fullscreen environment. Stretching out the window is another option, yet that will destroy the pixel art and look of the game. That said, Tower of Succubus could have been a classic had it been released in the NES era. Even without the boatload of quality hentai content, it is undoubtedly fun to play and has a great difficulty curve. The beginning levels and those toward the end are like night & day in complexity. We, the player, never notice that gradual change as it slowly ramps things up to keep the sense of challenge alive. The difficulty is more on the level design and puzzle side of things than in combat. Bosses will be the only foes that’ll have your eyes glued to the screen as you study their next move. If you’re familiar with the developer Libra Heart, it will come as little surprise that their third game is excellent. They came out swinging in 2015 and have since become a studio you’d point out when recommending Adult titles. Everything they have made is worth playing, The Tower of Succubus being no exception.




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