Succubus Rem is an adult-oriented JRPG in where we play as the aforementioned Ren, a being just born into this world and guided towards her eventual quest. For the younger audiences that didn’t see the R18 rating on the title, I’d suggest to stop reading as things are going to get lewd. I typically try to keep things professional sounding while reviewing these types of games, but in this case, where your only goal is to go around and absorb as much semen as possible, that goes out the window. You start off in the middle of the forest, confused as to what you are and playing with your breasts before an elder succubi arrives to show you your nature first hand.

And by that I mean we start off the game with an H scene which there will be plenty of during your travels. After that fondling you are given a single task that all succubi abide by, gathering energy via human semen to stay alive. In the middle of some desolate woods, you obviously won’t find much so your first order of business is to head to a town. On your journey there, you will encounter many monsters roaming about whom you can either bump into to fight against or easily avoid entirely. Facing off against one will transport you to a 2D view and the monster sprite you bumped into doesn’t really represent what you will face in the slightest. At times you may bump into a ghost-like creature and face multiple snakes on the actual battlefield for example.
In combat you can either attack, use a skill or cast magic on your foes. Skills will take up points from your green TP meter in exchange for using powerful abilities such as attacking every enemy or whipping someone twice, which is quite handy if your weapon has a chance to poison. Your magic, on the other hand, is less interesting containing simple fire spells alongside healing and sleep spells. These trash mob enemies pack quite a punch and every encounter will likely wear you down a considerable bit. Some of the ways to heal yourself afterward being via your heal spell, making love, or teleporting back to your room which will then toss you all the way back to a safe area. Emerging victorious from a battle will net you a bit of gold and some XP, both being near useless.
There are only a few stores in the game whose contents are not at all worthwhile and that is all gold is good for. Getting experience points is more beneficial as it unlocks new spells and slightly buffs up your stats. The thing with that is all new spells quickly become unneeded. They are straight upgrades to existing ones, so once you get the fire spell that attacks everyone and a powerful healing spell, everything from then on will never see use due to diminishing returns. To make a long story short, do not expect a tactical or even worthwhile RPG experience from this title. It is bare-bones with little in the way that varies from abusing the extremely unbalanced Skill system, some occasional healing, and fighting unimaginative enemies that mostly inflict pure physical damage. When not fighting you will be exploring new human towns and finding males that are capable of.. er… still getting it up as they say >_>
Interacting with humans will take up the largest portion of the game. Walking around a settlement you’ll see many people with either an S or M over their head. The S stands for sadist while the M for masochist, and these signify what type of sex you will receive from talking to that person. Whichever it is, it is good for you as your ultimate mission is to consume his seed and how you get to do it doesn’t matter. Doing so will refill your health which isn’t all that useful considering how many humans you’ll be doing it with before ever heading back out to the wilderness. It will also fill up either your S or M levels which allows you to make love to previously unwilling chaps. Making love to random people really has no benefit aside from the plethora of H scenes that you’ll unlock throughout. There is no voice acting in this title with the lewd bits only containing some sound effects and some well-drawn art.
The sex you’ll be having throughout is mostly vanilla stuff with the only outlandish fetish being armpit licking which happens a few times. There is a free uncensor patch to show the H scenes as they were intended and is likely something you will want to download if you bought or are considering buying this type of game. Your mission is simply to collect semen but Rem is a kind-hearted girl and will offer her help to those in need. From collecting a potion for a terminally ill kid to stopping a monster known the rape the village girls, you will always have a reason to progress forward looking for more danger. These boss encounters are perhaps the most unique feature in this title.
Once you reach a boss you can either defeat and rape them or lose then be raped yourself. It is pretty twisted but as a succubus, you ultimately win either way. Each scenario of that fight have their own unique cut-scenes depending on the outcome and massively increase either your sadist or masochist levels. Losing will grant you added health while winning will give you a nice boost to your attack power. Oddly enough, the bosses are far easier than you would expect. The trash mobs you’ll encounter pose far more of a threat. You would have to either get very unlucky or actively be trying to lose a battle against a boss for you to fail. If it was the latter, there is a skill where you can make yourself trip and instantly lose the fight on purpose. For those that just want to get right to the next area for more lewd scenes, it is entirely possible to avoid all the enemies leading up to a boss and pound his face in.
There is very little amount of gear or different kind of whips to collect. The whole gameplay side of this title leaves a lot to be desired and is clearly not where their focus went. If you want a lot of sex scenes, Succubus Rem has you covered in that regard, although with one big caveat. Its English translation is terrible, even for SakuraGame standards. Your first clue of this is upon starting up the game and being able to write a name for Rem but all the text is in Chinese. In many cases, while you are talking with people the text will randomly be cut off leaving you to guess what they were trying to say. Even when all is in working order the words they use and how they phrase things are abysmal. They completely ruin the atmosphere of the H scenes by making them more unintentionally comical than anything. It is a pretty serious flaw in a game where they try to make everything sexy and contains little in the sense of humor for some sort of charm to it.
Your mission to collect semen does eventually come to an end out of the blue with the introduction of a certain character who was never mentioned until then. There is one of two endings available depending if you are more of a sadist or a masochist by the finale. Whichever of the two you receive will have you tossed back into the beginning of the game with all your weapons and strength intact. The monsters on the other hand stay the same so you will be able to easily mow them all down which is pretty boring. Beating the story unlocks an “H Room” located inside of Rem’s bedroom that contains all of the lewd scenarios you’ve unlocked. Thankfully, it also allows you to unlock every H scene the game has to offer, sparing you from replaying it again. Succubus Rem lacks any story, its gameplay is bare-bones, and it offers little else aside from hentai. Even then it that is marred by serious English translation issues that greatly diminish that aspect. At its low price of 2 dollars it may be worth it to gamers looking for some cheap smut, just don’t expect anything else out of this title.
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