Introducing a small change to our reviews

After plenty of consideration on the matter of adding a rating to my (somebody336) reviews, I’ve finally come to the conclusion that I will incorporate them into all my future reviews. I’ve always felt it is more important to read about the game’s content and its flaws, then deciding for yourself if it is worth its salt instead of obsessing over its rating.  It has since occurred to me how handy it is to scroll down to the score and see if you should even bother reading about the title, something I have admittedly done many times myself.


So with that said, my reviews will now feature 5 shiny new stars at the bottom to easily let the readers know at a glance my opinion on the game. Whether I will go back and update my past reviews to include a rating is still uncertain. Thank you all for continuing to read 336GameReviews which is now a bit over a year old and we look forward to bringing you reviews & news for many more years to come!


If you have any concerns, questions or opinions about the matter please be sure to let me know below or by emailing me at [email protected]

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