I’ll Get a Bonus Paycheck if I Beat Customers (R18+) Review

I’ll Get a Bonus Paycheck If I Beat The Customers is an adult-orientated card game of Crazy Eights. We play as a down on her luck waiter named Sakura. She has previously agreed to dress in a very provoking manner in return for a fat bonus to her paycheck. Showing up one day, she is given another offer on top of that. Play some card games with your customers for another bonus and if she loses.. well, Sakura didn’t catch that part. She was off as soon as he mentioned another bonus.

Arriving on the table, we are greeted with three other players. They are nameless and invisible, all we see of them are their hand of cards. If you’ve never heard of Crazy Eights, I’ll explain the rules. There is one card on the table and you must put in another of the same symbol, such as Hearts or Clubs. In the case that you do not have any, you draw more cards until you do and put that one on the table. Whoever gets rid of their entire hand first wins. That is the basics, but it does feature other rules you may want to know of. One of these is that, say the card on the table is a Five of hearts. If you have a Five of any kind in your own hand, then you can set it down and your card’s symbol will now be the new standard to put down.

The last main rule is that of the cards with the number Eight. You can always drop these cards from your hand to the table whenever it is your turn. After doing so, you can choose any of the four symbols to become the new objective. A lot of the strategy comes from how you use that card, alas the name Crazy Eights. It is a lot more complex written down than it actually is in practice. Whatever card you can play is highlighted as well, making it really intuitive to learn. Just start off trying to drop the cards of whatever the current symbol objective is and you’ll pick up the rest in no time.

And if you don’t, well this is where the hentai aspects kick in. There are no second chances. This is an all or nothing game, and you get a single shot to win and avoid Sakura’s lewd fate if she loses a match. Depending on which of the three men won, a unique scene will play out with them to varying degrees of not so consensual sex. On some, she may find herself asleep, while in others she may get herself drunk and pretty willing to raw dog the customer without protection. Sakura is fully voice acted and her voice actress does a pretty good job in conveying her emotion. It can be either of reluctance, drunk willingness, or the eventual heat of the moment after a good while of sex. There are a decent amount of variation to the events, making each of the customers memorable.

None of the men are voice acted, you will purely be reading their subtitles in silence, barring the sound effects of a probably drunken barmaid being drilled. Once it ends, you will then be tossed back to the main menu and be able to view that scene at any time now. Now it’s back to the card game in the hopes that either a different customer wins or you can get Sakura her bonus. If the same customer wins, you can simply drag the dialogue icon all the way to the right to skip all of it, considering you don’t want to see it again. There are three sex scenes in total. Each lasts a good while and the art on all of them are pretty high quality. None of them disappoint.

An interesting little feature is your ability to toggle glasses on or off Sakura. It has no effect outside of cosmetics for those that prefer their girls with glasses. They translate into every image and never look out of place. So what happens if Sakura wins, you may ask? Not much. She gets a congratulations from her boss who reveals to her the cards are marked. That allows us to cheat and see all of the other player’s cards in future playthroughs. He also asks Sakura to lose from time to time, in return for an even bigger bonus. I’ll leave it to your imagination if she accepts or not.

The amount of time you’ll be playing this title will vary greatly between people. There are only three sex scenes to unlock, all gained by losing. In that case, if you don’t want to learn how to play, you don’t even have to. You’ll have them all unlocked in no time if you throw the matches. It could have really used some kind of reward, other than cheating if we win. As it stands, it is still a solid version of Crazy Eights to play, one of my personal favorite card games. You bet I spent a fair bit more time on it, even if its a bit on the easy side and has no difficulty options. For the price of only 4 US Dollars, this is definitely a title to consider if you are in the mood for a sexy card game or if the H scenes seem appealing to you.


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