Flappy Girl (R18+) Review

Flappy Girl is a parody of yesteryear’s long gone fad game named Flappy Bird. If you somehow have never heard of it, it was a simple yet incredibly challenging game that had you try to avoid obstacles while tapping your screen. This parody follows their formula to the letter, opting to remove the titular yellow bird and introduce naked anime girls in its stead. How they can go airborne by flapping their arms is anyone’s guess. Their gravity-defying thiccness is quite the sight, and with both a Windows version and an Android APK included, you can show off your new game anywhere you are.

Expect your face and those Mario-looking pipes to become very well acquainted. It has not lessened the difficulty of the original formula in the slightest. Even after hours of continuous play, I consider it a miracle when I make it into the double digits. One is quite likely to die within seconds of starting a run. The fact that it is so easy to restart and try again keeps the player wanting to do just that. During the failure screen, any key you press will boot you into a new run and right back into the action. To flap your anime girl’s arms, you can also press any key or click your mouse. Choose the method you find most comfortable or use a combination of the two.

Gravity will be your primary foe throughout as it tries to drag your body back down to Earth. Flapping your arms will gain you more height, and it becomes a struggle between the two as you try to navigate through the pipes. It is more similar to paddling than flying, but call it what you will; it is a difficult task. Any contact with either the pipes or the ground will spell your end. The game auto scrolls too, so you need to keep up with it and react quickly. It is precisely like Flappy Birds, but I’m assuming not everyone reading this has played it.

Of further risk to you are the randomly placed coins you may encounter. Collect these, and you’ll eventually be able to buy a new girl to fly as. All five playable women play precisely the same, though there is something I’ve yet to mention. Once you lose and fall to the ground, there will be a translucent man at the ready to sexually take advantage of your unconscious form. Each of the girls has unique animations, which is where their differences aside from their looks come from. That is all the hentai content to be found here, and it is more comical in nature than sexy. It is a short looping animation that you’ll likely skip after seeing it once to get straight back into the gameplay.

Funnily enough, I wasn’t able to take a screenshot of any lewd content thanks to pressing any key on the failure screen returning you back to the gameplay. Nonetheless, I consider it to be more of a bonus than something that should be viewed as the selling point of this specific title. It gets old fast thanks to how often you die, and with only five animations in total, the H content alone won’t keep you entertained very long. Returning to the topic of the five girls, the further towards the last you reach, the more coins you’ll need to purchase her. If you don’t have much talent for the game as I do, it will take around two hours to unlock them all.

There are multiple times of day for the background that change when you start a new run. If you always want it to be sunny or what have you, you can lock it to a single period. After buying more girls, they will randomly be chosen when starting a new run. If you have one in particular that you like, it can be set to only play as her. There is no real end to this title. It only ends when you lose interest in attempting to get a better score. Even then, considering it also has an Android copy included, it can still be tempting to pick it up from time to time when you have nothing to do. It’s not like the original Flappy Bird is still being distributed, so it is nice to have a clone that doesn’t have ads or micro-transactions.

It is strange that this title was released in 2021, considering the Flappy Bird fad was all the way back in 2013. I had nearly forgotten the feeling of wanting to yeet my phone through a window. Jokes aside, the formula is still as addictive as ever, and with the large amount of time since the fad, it is likely you haven’t played it in a long time. With Flappy Girl costing just 97 US cents and hosting a good bit of content while retaining the original’s gameplay, it is a tempting offer. If you ever wanted to mix Flappy Bird with hentai, this is the game for you.


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