
Audiosurf review

Audiosurf is a rhythm game in where you control one of various ships and try to collect blocks of the same color to make them match. You move across three lanes and blocks will be added to your inventory at the bottom of the screen on the lane that you collected it from. One of

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Shatter review

Shatter is a game in where you control a paddle and try to break all the blocks on the screen. A simple task that gets progressively harder the further in you go. Starting off most of the modes are locked so your only real option is Story Mode. It starts off with your tiny robot

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Super Furball review

Super Furball is a 2D action platformer in where some dude in a tank blows up your house and a statue of a furball comes to life to take revenge. The areas near him are filled with other evil black furballs that want to kill you. To defend yourself you have an energy gun with

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Shmup Love Boom

Shmup Love Boom is a vertical bullet hell in where you play as some anime teenager who is the last hope to fight off the aliens. Your character has no name and you will be able to give him a name after completing the first mission. You will be accompanied by one of the two

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