Can You Make Mom Pregnant (R18+) Review

Can You Make Mom Pregnant is likely the game that is going to put me on some kind of list. It is also what can best be described as a Bullet Hell without combat. Your goal is to dodge blue projectiles throughout five stages and attempt to survive the onslaught for forty seconds. It is controlled entirely via the mouse, making quick and precise movements a breeze. As you progress further into the levels, it beings to speed up a little, but it is still a casual game that anyone should be able to complete.

You play as the hand located at the bottom half of the screen. All the sex occurring on the top half serves to try and distract you. It is an easy game, though you lack invincibility frames, meaning that you can take consecutive hits. Being that you start off with three HP, that can quickly lead to your death if you pay a bit too much attention to what is going on within the top half. You can instantly restart on the same level as many times as you like, however. If you play really badly, this title may even last you around ten minutes, instead of four and a half by playing seriously.

Without a doubt you will have noticed the phone like aspect ratio of this title by now. Perplexingly enough, this is actually a PC exclusive and isn’t even on smartphones. Given the slim aspect ratio and the gameplay that would translate perfectly to it, that was a shock. There is no fullscreen and there isn’t even a game save feature. Once you complete it, you will be freely able to view the sex animations without fear of losing. The next time you turn the game on you will have to open up the password menu, which is in Japanese, and enter mnsb as a code to view them freely again. Your other choice is to willingly lose and press the G key to quickly move on to the next stage until you beat the game’s five levels again.

A simple scoring system would have gone a long way to add any form of replay value or incentive to do well. You can easily camp out the forty second it takes to beat a level with your three hit-points. On occasion, hearts will fly across the screen and getting one will net you an extra hit-point. That could have easily doubled as a scoring system, giving you a reason to risk yourself to retrieve them and added some difficulty to those that wanted it. In its current state, gameplay mostly consisted of me moving the mouse slightly every once in a while and watching the timer tick down.

Given that I found myself reviewing this game within five minutes of booting it up, it does not offer a whole load of value. This is also a very cheap game at three US dollars. That alone may make it worth taking a look at out of curiosity and the animations are decent, albeit quite short. Each of the five stages feature unique sex positions and different moans. The whole mom thing is likely to understandably turn a ton of people away, yet if you are the target demographic, this developer specializes in this specific fetish with quite a number of games under his belt. If they are any better than this I do not know. As it stands, I do not know who I could recommend Could You Make Mom Pregnant too other than those that are morbidly curious or are already into the premise.


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