Can You Make Mom Pregnant 2 (R18+) Review

Can You Make Mom Pregnant 2 is the much awaited sequel that came out a few weeks after the original was released because the demand was that great. It once again sees us take on the role of son-kun as he seeks to knock his mom up a second time and take another three dollars from my wallet for what is basically the same game. For the uninitiated who have never heard of the original or are sane enough to not constantly check what this website is up to, it is best described as a reverse Bullet Hell. You play as a glove located at the bottom half of the screen and must avoid projectiles for forty seconds in order to finish the level.

The top screen will see son-kun slammin that incestial loving behind and serves only to distract you from the action taking place below. You get hit with three projectiles and you are done for. There are no invincibility frames after you take damage, so you can go from full health to dead real quick if you spend time gawking at the animations. There are also hearts that will fly across the screen randomly that can either heal a life you’ve lost or increase it indefinitely. As long as you pay attention, they are hardly needed as this title is really quite easy and the forty seconds will fly by in no time.

Overall, you will have five stages to conquer. So granted you don’t die even once, that is about four minutes of gameplay. While the game difficultly staying the same throughout, each of the stages has a unique sex scene to add some semblance of progression. You don’t even have to play it if you choose not to, you can simply lose on purpose and skip to the next level. By the end of it, there is a mode which will allow you to view the scenes without having to worry about the projectiles.

There is no way to save the game, so every time you wish to view the scenes without replaying it, you will need to go into the password menu and enter mnsb2. That is kind of a pain. Even more of a pain is this slim aspect ratio and the lack of any fullscreen. This is not a title available on smartphones despite its appearances. If you’ve read my previous review, you’d have noticed I’ve said much of the same things I did last time. Well, I’m afraid that little joke in the opening paragraph about this being the same game is entirely accurate. Aside from the five different sex animations, this is in every way exactly the same thing as we’ve experienced last time.

If you’ve played that there is no reason to pick this up other than if you enjoyed it that much. Neither is this a case where the sequel is superior and you should skip directly to it since they are the same. My best suggestion is to look at the pictures of both of my reviews and pick the one that appeals to you more. Not that I’d recommend doing so if you are not a big fan of the subject matter as these titles are completely bare-bones and an unspectacular five minute experience at most. You’d be better off buying one of the dev’s videos than going through this tacked on gameplay for the H content. So uhhh… yeah, let us never speak of this again ;_;


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